Warren, Liberty Center and Van Buren Indiana News

Your Hometown Newspaper
for Warren, Liberty Center and Van Buren IN

Proudly serving the communities of
Liberty Center and
Van Buren, Indiana.
is a free online newspaper covering the Warren, Indiana area, with news from Liberty Center and Van Buren, IN as well.
Deadline for news and/or advertising is 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, for that week's edition. Call or email if you need something in but won't have it here on time.
Leave news and/or advertising at Town Hall in Warren, or mail to
P O Box 695, Warren, or email to editor@warrenweeklyindiana.com.
Get Involved
WARREN WEEKLY is always looking for historical writings regarding the Warren, Liberty Center and Van Buren areas. Contact us for more info.
WARREN WEEKLY is also in search of motivated ad sellers to work on commission. Contact us for more info.
WARREN WEEKLY is a free weekly newspaper, but it does cost money to publish each week. Advertising pays for most of it. Some weeks more than others.
Donations to keep the WARREN WEEKLY
a FREE paper are always greatly appreciated.
Ad Rates
Full Page $280.00 70 c.i.
Half Page $140.00 35 c.i.
(This amounts to $4.00 per column inch)
Less than a half page the price is $4.75 per column inch.