Warren, Liberty Center and Van Buren Indiana News

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Warren Baseball Softball League Sign-up
The WBSL is about to kick-off another exciting season!
Every child, aged 7-17 on June 1st, will have the chance to play in every game.
2024 Leagues Include:
* Little League Boys: American 7-10 yrs; or National 10-13 yrs
(10 year old boys have the option to play in either the American League or National League contact Lisa if you have questions)
* Pony League Boys 14-17 yrs
* Junior Girls Softball 7-12 yrs
* Senior Girls Softball 13-17 yrs
An entry fee of $40.00 will be charged for all leagues and there will be NO fundraising!
Mail Check/Money order to: Warren Baseball & Softball, PO Box 719, Warren, IN 46792
(you may write 1 check for all players but each must have an individual registration form)
Deadline: March 29th - All entries received after that will be put on a wait list and may or may not be able to play this season. Kids can play in any other league as long as they do not play on the same nights.
The WBSL reserves the right to refuse entry to any player.
We are on Facebook! Search: Warren Baseball/Softball
for up to the minute Rain-Out info, Schedules, Rules, Pics and Announcements
or e-mail: wbleague@citznet.com